Стандарт породы (FCI)
Характеристика: Зубы крупные. Мощная челюсть с идеальным, правильным и полным ножницеобразным прикусом, т.е. верхние зубы плотно перекрывают нижние и расположены равномерно.
Любое отклонение от вышеперечисленных требований считается недостатком. Серьёзность недостатка оценивается строго пропорционально его выраженности. Примечание: кобели должны иметь два нормально развитых опустившихся яичка.
Кобели должны иметь два нормально развитых и полностью опущенных в мошонку семенникa.
Kennel Club A Breed Standard is the guideline which describes the ideal characteristics, temperament and appearance of a breed and http://www.the-kennel-club.org.uk/services/public/breeds/watch for details of any such current issues. If a feature or quality is desirable it should only be present in the right measure. However if a dog possesses a feature, characteristic or colour described as undesirable or highly undesirable it is strongly recommended that it should not be rewarded in the show ring. General Appearance Agile, alert, of workmanlike, natural appearance. Standing well forward on forepaws. Strong quarters. Deep in rib, very free in movement. Weather-resistant coat. Characteristics Should impress as being active, game and hardy. Temperament Fearless and gay disposition; assertive but not aggressive. Head and Skul Head small, but in proportion to body. Skull broad; a decided indentation between the eyes with a definite stop. Muzzle powerful, jaw strong but not long or heavy. Nose black . Head well furnished. Eyes Wide apart, medium in size, dark hazel. Slightly sunk with shaggy eyebrows. Ears Small, pointed, well carried and erect, not too closely set nor heavily coated. Mouth Large teeth. Jaws strong with perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws. Neck Well set on, not short. Forequarters Sloping shoulders, medium length of leg, good but not too heavy bone. Forelegs never out at elbow. Legs covered with harsh hair. Body Back level, medium length. Well sprung deep ribs; strong supple loin. Hindquarters Very strong muscular thighs. Good, but not excessive, bend of stifle. Hocks well let down inclining neither in nor out when viewed from the rear. Feet Forefeet, larger than hind, may be slightly turned out. Pads thick and strong. Thin, narrow or spreading feet and long nails objectionable. Tail Gait/Movement Very free-flowing stride. Forelegs reaching well forward. Hindlegs giving strong propulsion. Hocks neither too close nor too wide. Coat Colour Cream, wheaten, red, grey or nearly black. Brindling in all these colours acceptable. Not solid black, or white, or black and tan. Dark points, such as ears and muzzle, very typical. Size Approximately 28-31 cms (11-12 ins) at withers, but in proportion to weight – ideally 6-7.5 kgs (14-16 lbs). Faults Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be Note Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
Cairn Terrier Breed Standard (United States)
General Appearance: That of an active, game, hardy, small working terrier of the short-legged class; very free in its movements, strongly but not heavily built, standing well forward on its forelegs, deep in the ribs, well coupled with strong hindquarters and presenting a well-proportioned build with a medium length of back, having a hard, weather-resisting coat; head shorter and wider than any other terrier and well furnished with hair, giving a general foxy expression.
Skull: Broad in proportion to the length with a decided stop and well furnished with hair on the top of the head, which may be somewhat softer than the body coat. Muzzle: Strong but not too long or heavy. Teeth: Large, mouth neither overshot nor undershot. Nose: Black. Eyes: Set wide apart, rather sunken, with shaggy eyebrows, medium in size, hazel or dark hazel in color, depending on body color, with a keen terrier expression Ears: Small, pointed, well carried erectly, set wide apart on the side of the head. Free from long hairs. Tail: Tail in proportion to head, well furnished with hair but not feathery. Carried gaily but must not curl over back. Set on at back level. Body: Well muscled, strong, active body with well-sprung, deep ribs, coupled to strong hindquarters, with a level back of medium length, giving an impression of strength and activity without heaviness. Shoulders, Legs and Feet: A sloping shoulder, medium length of leg, good but not too heavy bone; forelegs should not be out at elbows, and be perfectly straight, but forefeet may be slightly turned out. Forefeet larger than hind feet. Legs must Coat: Hard and weather-resistant. Must be double-coated with profuse harsh outer coat and short, soft, close furry undercoat. Color: May be of any color except white. Dark ears, muzzle and tail tip are desirable. Ideal Size: Involves the weight, the height at the withers and the length of body. Weight for bitches, thirteen pounds; for dogs, fourteen pounds. Height at the withers, bitches nine and a half inches; dogs, ten inches. Length of body from fourteen and a quarter to fifteen inches from the front of the chest to back of hindquarters. The dog must be of balanced proportions and appear neither leggy nor too low to ground; and neither too short nor too long in body. Weight and measurements are for mature dogs at two years of age. Older dogs may weigh slightly in excess and growing dogs may be under these weights and measurements.
Condition: Dogs should be shown in good hard flesh, well muscled and neither too fat or thin. Should be in full good coat with plenty of head furnishings, be clean, combed, brushed and tidied up on the ears, tail, feet and general outline. Should move freely and easily on a loose lead, should not cringe on being handled, should stand up on their toes and show with marked terrier characteristics.
Faults: Skull: Too narrow in skull Сравнение стандартов FCI и AKC
А) Типичный. Правильный уровень верха; хорошие углы конечностей; хороший баланс. Правильное положение хвоста, в идеальной «11 часовой» позиции при просмотре слева.
Правильный угол плеча у керна - 100-110' ( или 50-55' по отношению к горизонту)
Таблица окрасов
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Категория: О кернах / About cairns | Добавил: Galka0103 (17.06.2012) | |
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